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By Dr. Akiva Gamliel Belk

Director of JewishPath

Director of B'nai Noach Torah Institute


ספר תהלים {Sefar Tehillim}  

Tehillim  / Psalms 115.11 -18

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Our Devri Torah Limood is in the loving memory of Mr. Arnold Student Litman, Mrs. Ethel Channah Sakash Belk and Mr. George Belk.  May they rest in peace.

Ps. 115:11

 .aWhê µN:∞gIm;W µr:¡z"[, hw:-hyb' Wj∞f]Bi hw:hy"£ ya´¢r"yI  

Those with awe of Hashem, feel secure in Hashem [because] He Assists and Shields!  Tehillim 115.11 Radak

Based upon Passukim / Verses 9, 10 and 11 there are three groups identified here; Yisroel, the House of Aharon and those with awe of Hashem who feel secure in Hashem...  Radak says that Passuk 11 may refer to Righteous [Noachides] who fear [G-d].   Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz and Rabbi Nosson Scherman, The Artscroll Tanach Series - Bereishis Vol. I(a) (Brooklyn, New York: Mesorah Publications, Ltd. 3rd Impression, 1989), p 425

The third group listed here follows Yisroel and the House of Aharon giving the impression that the Noachides referenced here were very righteous like Adam Ha Reshon {the first man}  and Chavah Reshonah {the first lady}  and Chanoch {who was taken alive to Heaven, Bereisheit 5.24}, Meushelach, Noach and Shem {MalkiTzedek}.  For greater detail of their Righteousness see Sefer HaYashar, (Hoboken, NJ: KTAV Publishing House, Inc., 1993)This would also include Righteous Noachides / Spiritualists of more recent day.

la´-r:c]yI tyB´¢Ata, ËrEb;y ËrEèb;&y" Wnr:ëk;z" hJw:hy" 

 .ˆroîh}a' tyB´àAta, ËrE%b;y"

.µyliâdoG"h'Aµ[i µyNIf'Q"h' hw:-hy" ya´¢r"yI ËrEb;y"

Hashem Who Remembers us Will Bless us!  He Will Bless everything from א [the Letter Aleph] through ת  [the Letter Tav] of the house of Yisroel.  He Will Bless everything from א  through ת of the house of Aharon.  He will bless those in Awe of Hashem, those who are small together with those who are great. Tehillim 115.12, 13

Dovid Ha Melech's exhortation is clear.  The qualifying factor is 'those in awe of Hashem'. The small refers to all 'those in awe of Hashem' who are tiny, who are children, who feel little etc.  The great refer to all 'those in awe of Hashem' who provide leadership, who provide assistance, to Teach Ha Torah etc.


 .µk≤âynEB]Al['w" µk,%yle[}  µk≤-yle[}  hw:∞hy" πs´¢yO

May Hashem Increase on you, On you and on your children. Tehillim 115.14

µk≤-yle[æ Ah Lay Chehm, meaning: upon you - plural.  µk≤-yle[æ makes reference to each of the three groups mentioned beforehand, Yisroel, the House of Aharon and the Righteous Noachides.  To these three groups are added the small and the great of each of these three groups. Again the qualifying factor is 'those [in each of these three groups] in awe of Hashem'.

 .≈r<a≤âw: µyImæàv; hce%[o hw:-hyl' µT,a'£ µyki¢WrB]

Blessings upon each of you by [the Word] of Hashem Who Made Heaven and Earth.

Tehillim 115.15

Why would Doved Ha Melech connect the blessings upon each of you with Who Made Heaven and earth? How was Heaven and earth made?  Hashem G-d Spoke them into existence.  In the same way Dovid Ha Melech is Saying Hashem Will Speak the blessings into being just as He Did in Creating the Heaven and earth.  It is Hashem Who Owns everything.  It is Hashem Who Controls all Blessings.  For anyone to receive His Blessings again, the qualifying factor is that the Blessings are for  'those in awe of Hashem'.   

≈r<a;%h;w" hw:-hyl' µyIm'v;£ µyImæ¢V;h'

 .µd:êa;AynEb]li ןtæàn:

The Heavens? Heavens are for Hashem and the earth is given to Adam [and his descendants].  Tehillim 115.16 

This is in reference to Adam's Righteous descendants.  These are the Spiritually Righteous who take care of earth. They guard mother earth. The protect earth!  This is one of the actions of the Righteous.  They do not harm the earth!!

aOl%w" Hy:-AWll]hæây" µytiMeh'£ aOl∞

 .hmâWd ydEèr"yOAlK;

 hT['m´â Hy: ËrE•b;Ôn" {  Wnj]n"•a}w"

 .Hy:êAWll]hæ µl;%/[Ad['w"æâ

No, the dead cannot praise YAH!  And, no one who diminish in the grave. But we [the three groups mentioned above] will praise Hashem from now and forever Praise G-d!  Tehillim 115.17,18

Dear ones, I see in the Tehillim great blessings from our Creator for Yisroel, for Bet Aharon, for the Righteous Noachide, for the small, for the great who are 'those in awe of Hashem'.

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May Hashem Bless each who are in Awe of Him...

Blessings Health, Prosperity, Kindness and Peace,

Dr. Akiva Gamliel

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